Thursday, January 15, 2009

2009 GCFP Annual Convention

District VI invites all garden club members, family and friends to attend
"Somewhere In Time"
at the beautiful Bedford Springs Resort, Bedford, PA,
April 19 to 22, 2009.
You will be transported into another era where elegance abounds.

Read your winter 2008-09 Keystone Gardener for all the details and registration forms.
Check the Bedford Springs Resort website, , to view the lodgings.
It's sure to be a special convention at a fabulous venue.
Let's have District I show their support by great attendance!

Membership Contest

National Garden Clubs, Inc. is sponsoring a Membership Contest beginning June 1, 2008.

Increase your state membership--participate in National Garden Clubs Membership Contest from June 1, 2008 to May 31, 2009. The STATE with the greatest percentage increase in members will win the honor of having a new canna cultivar named for its state.This new canna variety to be named for the winning state being grown by Dr. Jack Roberson of American Daylily & Perennial Co. Inc., is 3-1/2 feet high with a red/red-orange bloom and dark purple/black foliage. It can be grown in all states and will be made available for sale in Fall, 2009 at $14 each from the grower. It will be available to members in the winning state as well as nationwide.The contest runs from June 1, 2008 to May 31, 2009.

The winner will be announced at the NGC Fall Board Meeting.

This contest will have many beneficial results:
Increase in members
Increase in revenue for Clubs, States and NGC
Increase in pride of membership in garden clubs
Create positive publicity for garden clubs in their communities

Beat the competition!Grow your membership so that your state will be the first to win this prestigious honor!
Click here to download Ideas to Increase Membership.

Submitted by Adrienne Langan, NGC Membership Committee

Club Membership FlyersDownload flyers to help your club's membership drive:
New Garden Club Invitation - WORD or PDF
Love Gardening & Learn Floral Arranging - WORD or PDF

Submitted by Babs McClendon, NGC Membership Committee

Longwood Gardens Partnership Program and GCFP

This is a great opportunity for club members to experience the excellence of the Continuing Education Courses offered at Longwood Gardens at a reduced rate. Interested clubs should contact Joan McClintock, Continuing Educator Coordinator at, 1-610-388-1000 x543 for more information. This information is also in the fall 2008 edition of the Keystone Gardener, page 6.

Longwood Gardens is pleased to extend its Continuing Education Partnership Program to the Garden Club Federation of Pennsylvania. This is a great way to add value to your organization.
To launch the partnership with an individual club, please contact Joan and she will send you the information. Your club members can receive a ‘Membership Advantage Coupon’, which entitles them to register for one of Longwood’s outstanding courses at the listed price AND register a friend in the same course for ½ price. There are some exclusions. If you don’t have the 2009 Course catalog, you can view it online at You can also request a catalog be sent to you.
There is much more to this partnership that can benefit your club and members and also attract new members. Contact Joan for the details.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Blue Star Marker Installation Ceremony

Attention all District # 1 garden clubs
From: Sandy Manthorpe
Blue Star Memorial Chairman

April 30, 2009, 2:30 p.m.
Blue Star Dedication District # 1
Route 30 business and 202
The Penn Dot Park & Ride
Next to the Sheraton Hotel
Reception to follow at the hotel

I am asking EVERY Club President to select someone in your club to look up and contact your local veterans groups, informing them NOW to place April 30, 2009 on their calendars.

This date has been placed on Governor Edward O. Rendells' calendar and hopefully he can attend.

Judy Grunwaldt, a former District #1 Director, has designed the invitation.
Supply Judy with the addresses/names and we will see they get an invitation.
Her email is or phone her at 610-647-4172

Our wish list (Call Sandy 610-942-4696)

>>>>>A portable Public Address System that works!
>>>>>An honor guard
>>>>>someone to play taps
>>>>>Volunteers to be greeters on April 30th (Call Sandy)