I call this time of year the Winter Doldrums: The days are short, it's
cold and there are no holidays any time soon! But it is a great time
to plan your garden and gain knowledge of how to improve your landscape.
is the lifeblood of your garden. Want to learn more? Join renowned
teacher Rodale Institute's chief scientist, Dr. Elaine Ingham, for a
day-long class on "Basic Composting" (Saturday March 23, 9am-3pm-includes lunch, $30). Your plants will thank you for it.
online classes of Mt. Cuba Center CONNECT can also brighten the dark
days of winter. Learn about native ferns, find out how to entice
hummingbirds to your backyard or discover the marvels of moss
gardening. Download our ebook, The Meadow Plants of Mt. Cuba Center,
or listen to orchid experts talk about native orchids. To make it more
enticing, take $5 off the cost of each class when you use our discount
codes: Use "maidenhair" for The Ferns at Mt. Cuba Center; "lonicera" for Hummingbirds in Your Garden; "grasses" for the Meadow book, "bluets" for Moss Gardening, and "ladyslipper" for the Orchid Conference.
As always, I look forward to sharing the beauty of Mt. Cuba Center with you.
Eileen Boyle
Director of Education & Research