Tuesday, April 17, 2012

News from Mt. Cuba

A Maryland scientist recently described the change from winter to spring as "if the entire landscape goes from exhaling to inhaling." If you've spent any time outside lately, you know that spring has arrived simply by inhaling the scents around you.
Two classes coming up in April really mark the entrance of spring. "How Our Gardens Change" is a three-part lecture and garden walk series that give students a chance to experience seasonal changes in our Woods Path and Sunny Border gardens. The series starts on Friday, April 20 (10AM-12 Noon) and costs $20 per session. Trilliums of Mt. Cuba Center (Wednesday, April 25, 10 AM - 12 Noon, $20) showcases our extraordinary collection of these most iconic spring ephemeral plants. Gregg Tepper, Director of Horticulture, will be teaching both classes. To register, visit www.mtcubacenter.org, or call 302-239-4244.
I'm very excited to announce the release of the latest offering on Mt. Cuba Center Connect, our distance learning program. "The Meadow Plants of Mt. Cuba Center" is our first e-book, and is authored by Dave Korbonits, meadow horticulturist at Mt. Cuba Center. Find out how to install and maintain a meadow, then review Dave's insights on eight notable native grasses for the meadow and 35 wildflowers. The full price of the e-book is $25. However, use the promo code "grasses" during the purchase process, and you'll pay the discount price of just $20.
Finally, mark your calendar for our not-to-be-missed Annual Wildflower Celebration. Sunday, April 29, 10AM-4PM is the date and time. It's our yearly celebration of spring and this year should be really interesting. We're finding plant combinations never seen before due to the unusual weather patterns.
As always, and especially during this unusual spring of 2012, I look forward to sharing the beauty of Mt. Cuba Center with you, both onsite and online.
Eileen Boyle
Director of Education & Research