Sunday, May 8, 2011

May at Mt. Cuba

First of all, thank you to everyone who visited us on Sunday, May 1. Nearly 3,000 guests came to see our gardens in all of their spring glory. I hope you were one of them.

Tomorrow, Wednesday, May 4, (7 PM-9 PM) please join me in welcoming Eric Toensmeier, co-author of Edible Forest Gardens, to talk about Gardening Like the Forest. This course introduces the vision of forest gardening with some scientific background, a few living examples, and a sampling of some useful perennial edibles you can use in your own garden. You'll take home a plant as well. Cost of the class, including refreshments, is $25.

Other classes coming up this month include Backyard Invasive Plants, (Saturday, May 7, 10 AM-1 PM, $25), with Jim Subach, our natural lands manager. You'll see over 30 live specimens of alien/invasive plants. Seating is limited for this class. Jeanne Frett continues her study of native spring wildflowers on Tuesday, May 10 & 11 (An Introduction to Native Spring Wildflowers, 1-3 PM, $40). Also on May 11, Vic Piatt highlights scree garden plants for spring and summer and how to use them in a garden setting. (10 AM-12 Noon, $20). For artists, sign up for Botanical Illustration: Native Azaleas on May 12 &19, (2 sessions, $55, 1-3 PM for both days.) Finally, on Saturday, May 14, join Dr. David L. Wagner from the University of Connecticut as he explores the secret world of caterpillars in The Myriad Defenses of Caterpillars (1-3 pm, $25.)

Finally, our daytime public garden tours will continue through May 27. For a different look and feel, the Summer Twilight Tour begins on Thursday, May 19. For a complete list of events, click here or call 302-239-4244

It's spring at Mt. Cuba Center and there's no better time to come and visit. I look forward to sharing the beauty of this place with you soon!

Eileen Boyle
Public Programs Manager