Bowman's Hill Wildflower Preserve
1635 River Road, (Rt. 32)
New Hope, PA 18938
phone: 215.862.2924
Knowing Native Plants: Basics of Plant ID
Saturday, Janary 5th, 10am-12pm
Members $15, Non-Members $20
Landscape Design with Native Plants
Four Part Series - January 12 and 26th, February 9th and 23rd, 10am-2pmMembers $120, Non-Members $160
Winter Native Plant Walk: Magical Meadow
Saturday January 19th, 1-2pm
Members $4, Non-Members $8
Register by January 17th
Close Encounters with Birds of Prey
Saturday, January 26th, 3-4pm
Members $8 adult, $6 children (4 and up)
Non-Members $10 adult, $8 children (4 and up)
Children under age 4 are $2.
Winter Lecture Series
Every Sunday in January and February, 2-3pm
Highlights of the new winter lecture season include: the miracle of bird migration, gardening with native edibles, and creating a no-fuss wildlife pond. Check the site for complete information. w