Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Watershed Congress

The Delaware Riverkeeper Network is pleased to announce the Call for Presenters for the 2012 Watershed Congress along the Schuylkill. The 2012 Watershed Congress will be held Saturday, March 10th, at the Montgomery County Community College-West Campus in Pottstown, Pennsylvania. 2012 marks the Watershed Congress's 15th anniversary.
With a focus on networking across disciplines and a goal of presenting new information about watershed restoration, the Watershed Congress has become a highly anticipated event for watershed citizens interested in understanding, protecting and restoring their local streams. Every year, a growing and changing group of individuals attends the Congress to gain new knowledge, acquire tools, and practice techniques that will allow them to take active roles in the stewardship of their natural resources.

The Watershed Congress Organizing Committee, which is chaired by the Delaware Riverkeeper Network, is now accepting session proposals. For more information about the Call for Presenters, go to: Sessions must include a question and answer component. Hands-on, interactive presentations are encouraged.

Submissions are due October 31st, 2011. Please submit presentation proposals online at:

Help us protect and conserve our natural resources by sharing your expertise with a concerned and active audience. Past participants requested the following topics, but we will consider all suggestions:

Removing Sediment & Nutrients from Stormwater . Primer on Pennsylvania Geology . Techniques for Hands-on Invasive Species Control . Studies of Pollutants in Fracking Wastewater . Building Volunteer Programs . Assessing Costs of Development . Macroinvertebrates Identification . New Best Management Practices for Stormwater . Total Maximum Daily Loads for Restoring Water Quality . Managing Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems . Working on Urban Rivers Restoration . Update on Marcellus Shale . New Fundraising/Funding Possibilities . Habitat Restoration . Expanding Collaboration Beyond Environmental Organizations . Wetland Identification . Groundwater/Well Water Management . Rain Gardens for the Home Owner . Landscaping with Native Plants . Economic Valuation of Clean Water . Monitoring Water Quality Techniques and Tools . Preserving Biodiversity in Ecosystems . Update on Previous Congress Presentations

More information about the Watershed Congress is can be found at: