Dear gardening friends,
Thanks to Mother Nature, spring seems to have arrived rather early this year. The warm temperatures have drawn out early blooms and the smell of the season is in the air. What are you seeing in your garden right now?
Please check your mailboxes this week to see our Spring-Summer 2012 Program Guide. There are many new classes to enjoy - everything from field trips to art classes to always popular hands-on workshops. Jack Hubley, tv personality from Lancaster, PA, and Judy Glattstein, author of several gardening books, will be making guest appearances here and we hope to see you too.
Mark your calendars for two very special events coming up in the next few months. The Eighth Annual Wildflower Celebration is Sunday, April 29, from 10AM to 4PM here in our glorious gardens - as always, admission is free. On Friday, May 11, Mt. Cuba Center will be open from 10AM to 3 PM in honor of National Public Gardens Day. Admission is free, free-strolling is encouraged, plus there will be plant giveaways and family fun activities. Two chances this spring to see Mt. Cuba Center in all of our spring time beauty!
For more information and to register for tours and classes, visit, or call 302-239-4244. As always, whether it's onsite or online, I look forward to sharing the beauty of Mt. Cuba Center with you.
Eileen Boyle
Director of Education & Research