Dear Friend,
Now that snow is on the ground and chilly winds are blowing, it is time to dream about your garden.
Classes at Mt. Cuba Center will energize your planting ideas! This Friday, February 5, Gregg Tepper presents fun facts during Native Plants We Love - An In-Depth Look, (10-11:30 AM). For $20, with refreshments included, learn cultivation tricks, transplanting techniques, and more.
Discover the seasonal character of plants with Mt. Cuba Center director, Rick Lewandowski, when he leads Celebrate the Bones of Your Winter Garden ($15) on Wednesday, February 24 (1-3 PM). Rick will discuss opportunities to add spice to your winter garden.
Looking ahead, on Saturday, March 6 from 1-3 PM, author and "farmdener" Lee Reich discusses "Native Fruits." Pawpaw, persimmon, lowbush blueberry, juneberry, elderberry and more were enjoyed by Native Americans - learn how to plant and grow them today. The fee is $30 and you'll get to take home a young native fruit plant for your own backyard.
As always, for further information and registration, visit, or call 302-239-4244. I look forward to seeing you soon - Spring is on its way!
Eileen Boyle
Education Coordinator