Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Blue Star Marker at Rose Tree Park

Congratulations to District I on the dedication of the latest Blue Star Memorial Marker on Route 252 in Rose Tree Park, Media!

Left to right:

Linda Southerling, District # 1 Director, GCFP (Garden Club Federation of Pa)
Walter R. Omlar Jr. (see below)
Angela Raitano (see below)
Ed Cashman (see below)
Sandy Manthorpe ( see below)
Left to right:
Barry Dozor, Del. Co. Common Pleas Judge
John J. Whelan, Chairman, Del. Co. Council
Mario J. Civera, Jr. Del. Co. Council, Air Force Veteran
Sandy Manthorpe, Eastern Pa & District # 1 Blue Star, Chair
Angela Raitano, GCFP President
Marianne Grace, Executive Director, Del. Co. Council
Walter R. Omlar, Jr. Upper Providence Constable,
Director, Delaware Co. Community Corrections
and also Recipient of District # 1 non-member Special Recognition Award
Ed Cashman, Upper Providence Township Manager 22 year Navy veteran, Merchant Marines

October at Mt. Cuba

Fall has truly arrived - the trees are beginning to show their autumnal colors - and at Mt. Cuba Center, events are in full swing. Here are some highlights for this coming month - there are spaces left just for you.

This Saturday, October 9, join us for Live Woven Willow Structures for the Garden, a demonstration and lecture led by Bonnie Gale (1-3PM, $50). The willow structures are made with large living willow rods that are pushed into the ground and woven into forms such as domes, arches, arbors, tunnels, fences, and hedges. Take home live willow cuttings to try on your own. On Wednesday, October 13, join director Rick Lewandowski for wine and cheese and a look at the use of layers that define the forest and create a continuum of color, texture, and forms throughout the year. (Enrich Your Garden Experience with Layers, 5:30-7:30PM, $20.) More than ever, meadows are growing in popularity as an alternative to labor-intensive lawn care. In The Meadow Project, Catherine Zimmerman, author of Urban & Suburban Meadows: Bringing Meadowscaping to Big and Small Spaces, discusses the challenges of designing, establishing, and maintaining your meadow. Take a walk through the meadow at Mt. Cuba Center as well. (Saturday, October 23, 1-4 PM, $30.) Finally, the Fall Harvest of Color tour continues throughout the month. Reservations are required for our events - visit www.mtcubacenter.org, or call 302-239-4244 to sign up.

It's a beautiful time at Mt. Cuba Center - come and let us share it with you! Sincerely,

Eileen Boyle