Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Beautify Blight - Love is Cultivating a Community Garden

'Beautify Blight' has received a monetary contribution for Award to be given to the individual Regions. The idea is to promote community 'vegetable' gardens. There are 2 categories.

Category 1: A three-member tean composed of a garden club, sponsored organiation and a sponsored organized youth group establishing a community vegetable garden on an unsightly piece of land. The objective is to supply a soup kitchen or homeless shelter.

Book of Evidence: a before and after set of photos, one or two page description of the project and those involved; a statement about it being a one or two year endeavor.

Award: a 1st place award of $50 will be given our region (Central Atlantic Region), if warranted.

Deadline for Category 1 is January 20, 2011.

Category 2: Existing 'Community Vegetable Gardens'...The purpose of which has been to supply and provide a homeless shelter and soup/church kitchen. This project has to have been in place for a minimum of the last three years.

Book of Evidence: Garden Clubs will provide photos of the progress of project: a two page description of how, when, where ,who is involved and purpose of initiating the garden.

Award: a 1st place award of $35 will be given in our region (Central Atlantic Region), if warranted.

If you are interested in applying for the award for a category 2 garden, contact Jeanne Nelson at asap for deadline date.

District I is providing an incentive for any club applying for a category 1 garden. If your club is interested in starting this project and supplying a book of evidence, the district will donate $50 to your club. You must complete the project according to the guidelines and supply a book of evidence.

If you have any questions, please direct them to the district director at

Please consider taking on this worthwhile NGC project.

Order and Chaos - Color an Perspective: The Quilts of Nancy Cosmos

At the Jenkins Arboretum and Gardens for additional information on this event and educational prograns and events for Winter/Spring 2010

Opening Reception: Friday January 29, 7pm -9 pm

Exhibit: January 29 - February 21, 2010

These are not your traditional quilt designs. Originally from Minnesota, Nancy started quilting with her mother in the seventh grade. She has progressed from traditional designs and color themes to art quilts that explore the integration of order and chaos, color and perspective. The exhibition will include a quilt made by Nancy and her mother when Nancy was in the seventh grade, various traditional designs, and current custom and art quilts.