'Beautify Blight' has received a monetary contribution for Award to be given to the individual Regions. The idea is to promote community 'vegetable' gardens. There are 2 categories.
Category 1: A three-member tean composed of a garden club, sponsored organiation and a sponsored organized youth group establishing a community vegetable garden on an unsightly piece of land. The objective is to supply a soup kitchen or homeless shelter.
Book of Evidence: a before and after set of photos, one or two page description of the project and those involved; a statement about it being a one or two year endeavor.
Award: a 1st place award of $50 will be given our region (Central Atlantic Region), if warranted.
Deadline for Category 1 is January 20, 2011.
Category 2: Existing 'Community Vegetable Gardens'...The purpose of which has been to supply and provide a homeless shelter and soup/church kitchen. This project has to have been in place for a minimum of the last three years.
Book of Evidence: Garden Clubs will provide photos of the progress of project: a two page description of how, when, where ,who is involved and purpose of initiating the garden.
Award: a 1st place award of $35 will be given in our region (Central Atlantic Region), if warranted.
If you are interested in applying for the award for a category 2 garden, contact Jeanne Nelson at
jtnelson@optonline.net asap for deadline date.
District I is providing an incentive for any club applying for a category 1 garden. If your club is interested in starting this project and supplying a book of evidence, the district will donate $50 to your club. You must complete the project according to the guidelines and supply a book of evidence.
If you have any questions, please direct them to the district director at
Please consider taking on this worthwhile NGC project.