Sunday, March 15, 2009

Awards and Scholarhips



Now is the time to determine which State Awards your club should apply for this year. Find your club’s copy of the GCFP Awards Manual (the club president should have this or your club awards chairman), review the awards offered and begin to collect the information needed apply. Each of your clubs does projects worthy of recognition so it behooves you apply for an award. The award will recognize the work you and your members are doing, it will give an extra sense of pride to your members and to the other district clubs, and it may inspire another club to do a similar project.

Some awards are applied for by simply completing a State and a National awards application. This is true of yearbook awards, flower show schedule awards, and newsletter awards. Other awards require a book of evidence which includes a description of the project, cost of the project, a few photos and a little publicity. The Awards Manual describes how to prepare a book of evidence and the number of pages allowed. New 2009 award applications will be available on the State website, in July. This chairman is available to answer questions and assist clubs in applying for awards.

Has your club distributed State and National Scholarship information and applications to your local schools and colleges and submitted information to local newspapers? Applications deadline was February 15 for this year and State scholarships will be awarded at the Annual Convention. However, it is not to early to plan to get the 2009 Scholarship Applications from the website in July and have them ready to distribute to local schools and colleges in the Fall. Your club members may also have family members who would qualify for these awards. The students applying must be planning to major in a horticulture related field. The State scholarships are generally a $1,000.00 and National Scholarships are $3,500.00. Share this information with your club members and
plan to distribute information locally this Fall. Please feel free to contact me if you have questions.

Kay S. Leto,

District I Awards and Scholarship Chairman

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