Friday, February 11, 2011

Mt. Cuba February Programs

 "Rain mixed with sleet - low 30s in morning."
A weather forecast from this week? No, an entry from the journal of a Mt. Cuba Center gardener, made on Monday, April 3, 1978. Through the careful documentation of the gardens' progress, we can look back and see just what was happening during a certain day, week or season. If you'd like to document the progress of your favorite plantings, join plant recorder Amy Highland on Saturday, February 19 (1-3PM) for the Garden Journaling Workshop. Bring your own journal and Amy will help you get started on filling it with many years of gardening memories. The class is $20 and includes lunch.
Other classes at Mt. Cuba Center during February include Shake Up Your Foundation, (Wednesday, February 9, 1- 2:30PM, $25), taught by Renee Kemmerer, our Dogwood Path horticulturist. Renee was recently featured in an article in the Philadelphia Inquirer on attractive alternatives to tried-and-true foundation plantings. Join her in imagining a new look for your yard and learning how how to get it.
Finally, "the richest soil amendment known to gardening." Those are the words of Mark Highland, vermi-composting expert, and he's talking about...worms. Learn more in Worm Composting Made Easy on Wednesday, February 16 (5:30-7:30PM, $50). You'll take home a bin, complete with hard-working creatures and "the real poop on worms and their castings."
Even in the coldest winter, there are things going on in the garden. For more information and to register for classes, visit, or call 302-239-4244. As always, I look forward to sharing the (frozen) beauty of Mt. Cuba Center with you.
Eileen Boyle
Public Programs Manager

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