Saturday, March 2, 2013

Bowman's Hill Wildflower Programs March 2013

Program Highlights for March 
Members Only! Spring Fling
Free to Preserve Members
Saturday March16, 10:30 am - noon
St. Patrick's Day and the first of spring are just around the corner, so it's a perfect time to celebrate the beauty of green moss. Join "moss guru" Dave Benner for a lecture highlighting his forty years of experience gardening in the shade with mosses and native plants. Dave will discuss alternatives to grass lawns, and best methods to control damage by deer and other wildlife in a woodland setting. He'll give tips on how to create a natural landscape with practically no maintenance. Executive Director Miles Arnott will conclude this special event with an update on recent developments at the Preserve. Refreshments provided. Advance registration suggested. (Note: Guest Passes can not be used for admission to Members Only events.)
It's So Egg-Citing!
Sunday March 24, 3:30 - 4:30pm
MEMBERS: $6 adult/$4 child
NON-MEMBERS: $10 adult/$8 child.
Extracting dye from plants is an ancien
t science. Though Paas™ can give you vibrant color, natural dyes from plants and vegetables are rustic, subtle and beautiful. While you wait for the magic to happen, join us as we learn about eggs and meet some of the animals that come from them. Bring six white, hard-boiled eggs and take home six beautifully dyed ones. Don't miss it! Register by Friday March 22.
Invasive Species ID and Management

March 23, 10 - 11:30 am
us to discover the Preserve's most unwanted! In this session, you will learn about the problems caused by invasive plants, which species are of concern at the Preserve and beyond, and the methods we are using to control these exotic intruders. Preserve staff will introduce you to invasive plants through a presentation and outdoor walk (weather dependent).  Registration required by Thursday March 21. 
Knowing Native Plants: Signs of Spring 
Saturday March 23, 1 - 4pm
The promise of spring is just around the corner. Meet the early flowering plants and learn how they have adapted to this potentially harsh time of year. Presented by Preserve Education Coordinator Amy Hoffmann, this program will focus on early-blooming species such as snow trillium, skunk cabbage, and hepatica. After an indoor presentation, we'll head outdoors to identify spring-blooming species from the shoots that will just be poking through the soil. Advance registration suggested. 

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