Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Environmental Studies School

Garden Club Federation of Pennsylvania
National Garden Club’s Environmental Studies School
Outline of Course Requirements and Instructor Criteria

The Mission Statement for the Environmental Studies School:

The Environmental Studies Schools offer National Garden Clubs, Inc. members the opportunity to learn more about all the facets of our physical world known as the environment.  This encompasses land conservation, land trust, water conservation, ground water protection, air quality, energy awareness, waste awareness, litter, and recycling, among the many subject matters and includes legislative issues relative to the environment.  The quality of life is threatened by negative forces of mankind and it is necessary to teach all humans the necessity of maintaining the quality of our environment as we pass on the care of our world to our children and grandchildren.   We touch many lives as we share this knowledge and influence those around us.

School Description

The Living Earth Environmental Studies School is composed of a minimum of 40 hours of study of specific units divided into four courses.  Each course must contain a minimum of eight different lectures and a related two hour minimum field trip.  The first course is an overview, while the next courses investigate AIR, LAND, and WATER.  Non-NGC attendees are welcome.  To obtain NGC certification, a participant must attend all coursework including the field trips, pass a written exam on course materials, and be a member of a NGC club.

Course I – The Living Earth required topics: Ecology, Plants – Biodiversity, Urban Forestry, Environmental Science, Backyard Wildlife Habitat, Networking and Outreach, Historic Environmental Actions and Leaders, Earth Stewardship, Nature Discovery field trip.

Course II – The Living Earth – Land and Relate Issues required topics: Ecology(Land), Plants (Agriculture), Source Reduction of Pollutants, Toxins and Materials, Coastal Zone Management, Environmental Science (Resources), Wildlife – Misunderstood Animals, Earth Stewardship (Gardening with Nature), one supplemental subject, Nature Discovery field trip emphasizing land issues.

Course III – The Living Earth – Air and Related Issues required topics:  Ecology (Air), Plants (the Rain Forest), Environmental Ethics, Environmental Science (Pollution), Wildlife (Endangered Plants and Wildlife), Initiating School Programs, Earth Stewardship (Material Sources and Citizen Education Programs), one supplemental subject, Nature Discovery field trip emphasizing air issues.

Course IV – The Living Earth – Water and Related Issues: Ecology, Plants (Aquatic Plants), Wetlands, Environmental Science, (Sustainability), Wildlife (Aquatic Animals), Youth Programs in Environmental Education, Earth Stewardship (Effective Citizenship), one supplemental subject, Nature Discovery field trip emphasizing water issues.

Each Course must be registered with NGC at least three months in advance and must follow the specified curriculum in the interest of uniformity and maintaining standards of quality.  Each instructor prepares five multiple choice (No essay or true/false) questions from material presented and also contained in the lecture outline which is given to each student.  Each Course must have at least two different instructors and trained environmental educations facilitators.  All instructors’ credentials must be submitted to NGC for approval prior to registering the Course.  Each instructor must meet one or more of the following criteria:

A)     Hold a degree in Environmental Studies or an environmentally related field

B)      Be actively participating in the teaching of environmental subjects

C)    Hold academic rank at an accredited college or university

D)    Be employed by a recognized nature center, conservation organization or state, county or city department of natural resources, ecology, environmental quality or related agency

E)    The units of Ecology and Environmental Science should be taught by members of the teaching profession


JHM 10-11

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