Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Beautify Blight..Love is.. Cultivating a Community Garden

Beautify Blight is an endeavor to create teams within a town, city, or region to develop a vegetable garden on a formerly unsightly piece of property chosen by the group. It is one of our National President's most important 'New Projects.'

As National Garden Club members let's show our communities that we care!

Our objective for this project is to involve all garden clubs, no matter their size, to be involved in their individual communities. The project calls for garden clubs to find a community group interested in promoting the same concerns, such as Rotary, Chambers of Commerce, Lions' Clubs, churches, or a government agency in the finding of an unsightly piece of property that can be used by the group to develop and cultivate a community vegetable garden.

Once a site has been found and plans are being developed to continue the project, a local youth group should be asked to participate as a partner in the group so that the whole community is involved. The purpose is to make garden clubs a viable part in uniting all the participants in the need for community involvement in each others lives. The resulting service to those less fortunate by sharing the produce grown by this group effort is the ultimate goal of this project.
National Garden Clubs play a vital role in our communities and it is important for us to grow through our dedicated service and visual commitment to our towns, cities, states and regions as a national organization.

The final stage will be the sharing of the produce with a local soup kitchen, homeless agency, or church meal programs for those less fortunate.

Sponsoring groups may be allowed, if desired, to have fundraisers or seek underwriting, actual or in-kind, within their communities to support the project.

Participants will be asked to submit a 1 or 2 page summary of project, with before and after pictures. Depending on the scope of the project, and if stated in summary, the project may be a one or two year program.

For additional information, contact Jeanne Nelson, Beautify Blight Chairman.

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