Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Golden Days - NGC President's Project

Can you imagine how beautiful the country will be with daffodils planted across our nation!
NGC President Renee Blashchke's project, Golden Days, is to promote the planting of daffodils.

What a great way to recognize our gardening friends who are no longer in their homes or can no longer plant a flowers. We'll plant daffodils for them!

NGC (National Garden Clubs ) will offer 2 outstanding Golden Days Daffodil collections

Golden Harvest Trumpet Daffodil is an old-timer (almost 100 years old) but still and incredible daffodil that is vigorous and long lasting.

Master Daffodil Blend includes at least 50 tall and mid-sized varieties that will broaden your daffodil horizons.

Your Golden Days Project might include mass plantings at retirement centers or Blue Star Memorial sites. You might choose instead to take a potted plant to a nursing home. Places to plant daffodils are limited only by your imagination.
Document your projects. Apply for the award. With this project, everyone wins!

Forty percent of the purchase price goes to support the projects of NGC.

Go to for complete details and ordering.

For more information, contact Lila Petersen, Golden Days Chairman.

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